ASA 127th Meeting M.I.T. 1994 June 6-10

1pSP31. Korean to English articulatory mapping: Palatometric and acoustic data.

Anna Marie Schmidt

Dept. of Biocommun., Univ. of Alabama at Birmingham, UAB Station VH 503, Birmingham, AL 35294

Second language (L2) learners are thought to substitute phonemes from their first language for L2 sounds, at least during the early stages of learning. Palatometric data, coupled with acoustic data, can illuminate some details of cross-language articulatory mapping. The purpose of this study was to examine the articulation of some English consonants by a native speaker of Korean. Measures such as anterior/posterior placement were examined for eight repetitions of 14 English initial consonants (/|oC, (edh), f, v, s, z, t, d, l, n, r, (sh), t(sh), d(large hook)/) combined with each of three vowels (/i, a, u/). Results for the English consonants were compared with results for eight repetitions of Korean consonants (including three dental stops, two dental fricatives, three affricates, one dental nasal, and one liquid) combined with each of the same vowels. Most sounds not present in the Korean phoneme inventory (/f, v, |oC, (edh), r/) were produced with English-like articulation. Some English sounds that are perceptually similar to sounds in Korean were often produced with Korean-like articulation but were less consistent in placement than their Korean counterparts.