ASA 130th Meeting - St. Louis, MO - 1995 Nov 27 .. Dec 01

4pSC4. Creation of a children's speech database.

James D. Miller

Sungbok Lee

Rosalie M. Uchanski

Arnold F. Heidbreder

Barbara B. Richman

Central Inst. for the Deaf, 818 S. Euclid, St. Louis, MO 63110

John Tadlock

Technology Resources, Inc., St. Louis, MO 63141

Speech was recorded from a large number of children ages 5 through 18 years inclusive, at a custom installation at the St. Louis Science Center. Two separate sets of recordings were made: (1) using a high-fidelity microphone, and (2) using one of five telephone handsets. To date, 415 and 456 children have been recorded for each data set, respectively. Microphone recordings are two repetitions of 15 American English vowels in /stop/-V-/stop/ words embedded in a carrier sentence. Five additional English sentences were also recorded twice each. The vocabulary for the telephone recordings included (1) 25 commands (e.g., delete, new name) spoken twice each, (2) six telephone numbers, and (3) spontaneous answers to eight questions. Exact distributions of the number of talkers of each age and sex will be presented. The recording environment, procedures, and real-time digitization equipment will be described and illustrated. [Work supported by Technology Resources, Inc. and Central Institute for the Deaf.]