1pPP5. A comparative review of binaural synthesis for free-field simulation.

Session: Monday Afternoon, December 2

Time: 3:00

Author: Dorte Hammershoi
Location: Acoust. Lab., Aalborg Univ., Fredrik Bajers vej 7B, DK-9220 Aalborg O, Denmark
Author: Jesper Sandvad
Location: Acoust. Lab., Aalborg Univ., Fredrik Bajers vej 7B, DK-9220 Aalborg O, Denmark


The binaural synthesis technique is widely known and utilized for simulation of complex auditory scenarios, as, for instance, seen in the many concepts of ``virtual reality.'' The simulated environments offer attractive test scenarios for human factors research, assuming that the subject's behavior in the simulated environment is the same as it would have been in the corresponding real-life situation. A number of investigations have been carried out worldwide to verify the synthesis technique, and only a few seem to have obtained satisfactory results. In the present paper the results from contemporary studies (including the authors own) are presented and discussed.

ASA 132nd meeting - Hawaii, December 1996