2aAA5. Auralization on a laptop PC.

Session: Tuesday Morning, December 3

Time: 9:25

Author: William R. Michalson
Location: ECE Dept., Worcester Polytechnic Inst., 100 Institute Rd., Worcester, MA 01609


There are many well-known techniques for performing auralization. Most involve real-time convolution using extremely powerful, custom-built signal processing hardware. These systems tend to be complicated and expensive, but they are necessary when the goal is to alter room or hall acoustics for a professional performance or recording. At WPI our goal was to develop a much simpler auralization system that could be used for educational purposes. The approach taken was to implement Gardner's algorithm for performing efficient convolution on a Windows-based personal computer. The resultant system allows performing reasonably fast auralization on arbitrary length source and room impulse response files. Students can then play back these files to hear the differences between previously created room impulse responses.

ASA 132nd meeting - Hawaii, December 1996