2pNS8. A numerical study of general aviation noise abatement procedures: Correlations between energy costs and environmental benefits.

Session: Tuesday Afternoon, December 3

Time: 4:15

Author: L. Norgia
Location: C.I.R.A., Italian Aerosp. Res. Ctr., Via Maiorise 18, 81043, Capua, Italy


The increasing public demand for air transportation has brought both airlines and airport authorities to a serious consideration of the environmental impact particularly for the nuisance caused by noise in the airport surroundings. This in turn has moved the airlines to study and possibly adopt modified LTO procedures which could alleviate the acoustic impact on the ground and provide the benefit of reduced landing fees. When evaluating such alternative procedures, the extra cost to be faced for engine utilization at a higher severity factor must be considered with great attention. This work, supported by Alitalia, describes a simulation done with the Cira acoustical model. A single-point calculation method has been used which was prepared to optimize noise abatement procedures, and to evaluate an energy costs analysis for each takeoff profile. The fuel consumption and noise reduction benefits of three noise abatement procedures are compared with the standard procedures. The analysis consists of determining the fuel consumed in each segment defined by changes in airplane configuration, engine thrust, or speed. Results show that extra fuel is consumed in each of the noise abatement procedures; the magnitude of fuel penalty is aircraft-dependent. This numerical method has been used to define an ``ecological'' procedure to reduce noise impact on German airports.

ASA 132nd meeting - Hawaii, December 1996