3aSC45. Perception of lateral misarticulation and its physical correlates.

Session: Wednesday Morning, December 4


Author: Masato Akagi
Location: School of Information Sci., JAIST, 1-1 Asahidai, Tatsunokuchi, Ishikawa, 923-12 Japan
Author: Tatsuya Kitamura
Location: School of Information Sci., JAIST, 1-1 Asahidai, Tatsunokuchi, Ishikawa, 923-12 Japan
Author: Noriko Suzuki
Location: School of Dentistry, Showa Univ., Tokyo, 145 Japan
Author: Ken-ichi Michi
Location: School of Dentistry, Showa Univ., Tokyo, 145 Japan


To discuss the relationship between perceptual diagnosis of lateral misarticulation (LM) by sophisticated listeners and its physical correlates, two experiments using continuous speech /(sh)/ were performed. Experiment 1 was a comparison of the spectral envelopes of normal speech /(sh)/ with those of LM. Experiment 2 was the detection of similarities based on auditory impressions of sophisticated listeners between LM and normal speech /(sh)/ with specific spectral envelope bands replaced. The stimuli for experiment 2 were resynthesized from modified spectral envelopes by using the LMA synthesizer. These experiments showed the following. (1) Spectral envelopes of the LM are flat in the frequency band above approximately 4 kHz, whereas normal speech presents a plateau. Moreover, there is a substantial peak around 3.2 kHz in the LM, which varies with time almost periodically, a variation not present in normal speech. (2) The replacement of the spectral envelope between 2.5 and 4.5 kHz of normal continuous speech with that of LM resulted in a remarkable increase in similarity to LM based on auditory impressions. These facts suggest, that the spectral envelope characteristic of the LM is a near-periodical variation around 3.2 kHz.

ASA 132nd meeting - Hawaii, December 1996