2aEA4. A local algorithm for the determination of interior material parameters from a knowledge of elastic displacements.

Session: Tuesday Morning, December 2

Author: A. J. Romano
Location: Sachs Freeman Assoc., 1401 McCormick Dr., Landover, MD 20785, romano@acoustics.nrl.navy.mil
Author: J. J. Shirron
Location: Sachs Freeman Assoc., 1401 McCormick Dr., Landover, MD 20785, romano@acoustics.nrl.navy.mil
Author: J. A. Bucaro
Location: Naval Res. Lab., Washington, DC 20375-5350


A new method is presented for the local determination of material parameters of an isotropic, inhomogenous medium subject to time harmonic vibration. Given a knowledge of the displacements throughout the medium, a novel implementation of a variational formulation is used to determine the ratios (lambda)/(rho) and (mu)/(rho). A theoretical formulation is presented and validated using numerical data obtained from a finite-element method. The results indicate that the method may be applied locally within an inhomogenous medium, and that the corresponding material parameters can be recovered to a high degree of accuracy. Because the method assumes knowledge of the displacements throughout the medium, various approaches to obtaining this information will also be discussed. [This work supported by the Office of Naval Research.]

ASA 134th Meeting - San Diego CA, December 1997