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Representation of auditory information at the cerebellar level?

Dear List,

I'm currently trying to collect data/articles on how the auditory
information might be represented at the cerebellar level.

I've just browsed a couple of resources including the AUDITORY
LIST's archive, the on-line Journal of Neurophysiology (not mentioning
a simple keyword search on the Web) and found relatively little data.
In the former, there is a substantial list of references provided by
Neil Todd (Hello Neil, how are you?!) in one of his messages dated
April 1998. But there is nothing there answering quite directly
my question, for most of the indicated articles relate rather to 'mental
activity' and 'vocal planning'; and that I'm actually also/only
interested in the sensory/perceptual aspect.

I'd be grateful to anyone able to provide me with such data, ranging
   - purely anatomical data: Do cerebellar mossy fibers / granule cells
     receive input from the auditory pathway? and if yes where from?
   - modelling work: Is there any 'CASA' work taking advantage of the
     computational features of the cerebellum one of which is prediction?

Many thanks in advance.


 --------------------- mailto:mousset@sedal.usyd.edu.au ---------------------
   Dr. Eric Mousset - Research Associate
   School of Electrical and Information Engineering - Building J03
   University of Sydney                              phone: +61 2 9351 7208
   Sydney NSW 2006                                     fax: +61 2 9351 7209
   AUSTRALIA                                          home: +61 2 9380 9795
 ------------------- http://www.sedal.usyd.edu.au/~mousset ------------------