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Call for participation

Call for Participation

The Society for Music Perception and Cognition (SMPC) invites you to submit
an abstract for Toronto2000, a joint meeting of 15 music societies
including American Musicological Society, Association for Technology in
Music Instruction, College Music Society, International Association for the
Study of Popular Music, Society for Ethnomusicology, and Society for Music
Theory.  The meeting will be held November 1-5, 2000, in Toronto, Ontario,
Canada.  SMPC has been allotted the days of November 4 and 5 for paper and
poster presentations.  Further information about the joint meetings,
Toronto2000: Musical Intersections, will be available on the Conference Web
site: http://www.utoronto.ca/conf2000/. The local organizer for SMPC is Dr.
W. F. Thompson, Department of Psychology, Atkinson College, York
University, Toronto, Ontario M6N 1M5, Canada, phone (416-736-2100 ext.
66463), e-mail billt@yorku.ca.

The objectives of SMPC are to further the scientific and scholarly
understanding of music from a broad range of disciplines, including music
theory, psychology, psychophysics, linguistics, neurology, neurophysiology,
ethology, ethnomusicology, artificial intelligence, computer technology,
physics and engineering; to facilitate cooperation among scholars and
scientists who are engaged in research in this interdisciplinary field; and
to advance education and public understanding of knowledge gained.
Officers of the Society are: C.L. Krumhansl (Cornell University),
President; W .J. Dowling (University of Texas at Dallas), Vice-President;
M. G. Boltz (Haverford College), Secretary-Treasurer; and L. L. Cuddy
(Queen's University, Canada), President- Elect.

Topics relevant to all of the above disciplines will be considered, but
topics that are especially encouraged include performance and expertise,
neural substrates of music, development and education, music cognition and
music theory, pitch (including absolute pitch) and rhythm perception, music
and emotion, and cross-cultural investigations.

The deadline for submission of abstracts is February 1, 2000.

 Expected length of presentations is 20 minutes, including questions.
Please submit a single page abstract of a minimum of 300 words by e-mail
(preferred) or hard copy to the Program Chair. Abstracts will be assessed
by the program committee for clarity and detail of the aims, method and
conclusions of the study, as well as the suitability of the topic for the

The Program Chair is:
Professor Lola Cuddy
Department of Psychology
Queen's University
Kingston, Ontario, Canada K7L 3N6

e-mail: smpc2000@psyc.queensu.ca

Include the following in your proposal:
                The title of your paper
                Your name
                Your institutional affiliation
                Your mailing address
                Your telephone number
                Your email address
                A list of your audio-visual equipment needs
                Preferred mode of presentation--paper or poster. To accommodate a
possibly tight schedule, the Program Committee may request that submissions
for papers be presented as poster sessions.

Please note: In accordance with the guidelines established by the Steering
Committee of Toronto 2000, all submissions must present unpublished work.
No individual may appear on the Toronto program more than twice.  This
includes delivering a paper, participating in a daytime programmatic panel,
giving a lecture-demonstration, and functioning as a chair-organizer of a
session or as a respondent.   Not counting as an appearance are
participation in extra- programmatic offerings such as interest-group
meetings or standing committee presentations.  Also not counting as
appearances are nonsession concert performances, serving as an appointed
chair of a session and the like.

The deadline for proposing joint sessions involving the 15 societies was
June 1, 1999, and the joint sessions should be determined by December,
1999--that is, before the deadline for the above, regular,  SMPC proposals.
 Individuals chosen for joint sessions may also appear on one other session
at the Toronto meeting.

Lola L. Cuddy
Department of Psychology
Queen's University
Kingston, Ontario K7L 3N6

Phone: 613-533-6013
Fax: 613-533-2499
E-mail: cuddyl@psyc.queensu.ca