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Dear List,

Here is a job announcement that I received today:


----- Original Message -----
From: Louis Thibault <Louis.Thibault@crc.ca>
To: <bregman@hebb.psych.mcgill.ca>
Sent: Friday, June 01, 2001 10:31 AM

Dear Dr. Bregman,

I am managing the Advanced Audio Systems group at the
Communications Research Centre in Ottawa. I am looking for a good
candidate to fill a vacant research position in psychoacoustics.
I have included below a brief description of the duties of the
position as well as of the qualifications sought-after. As you
can see, we would like to investigate the possibility of using
(computational) aditory scene analysis as a mean of separating
sources mixed in an audio signal.

I would appreciate if you could forward a copy of this email to
individuals whom you think are qualified and could be interested
or else forward me their name and coordinates so that I can
contact them. I am looking for an experienced individual,
preferably with a PhD and who has initiative, autonomy and
leadership to lead the psychacoustic research activities in my

Interested individuals can obtain more information on the
position available and apply on-line at the following website


I thank you for your help.

Best regards.

Louis Thibault

A position is available in the Advanced Audio Systems group of
the Communications Research Centre. This group carries out
Research and Development (R&D) in advanced audio technologies
which will be used in the future over wireless transmission
systems as well as telecommunication networks such as the
Internet. The incumbent will lead and carry out R&D to study,
characterize and develop computational models of the human
auditory system with respect to sound perception. Modelling the
behaviour of the auditory system with respect to masking and
auditory scene analysis is of particular interest. These models
of the human ear are used in a number of different technologies
such as automated measurement of audio quality, audio source
separation and audio source coding (audio compression) systems
for multimedia, sound and television broadcasting as well as
audio delivery over the Internet. The work will be carried out in
a multidisciplinary team of researchers which includes experts in
audio signal processing, sound perception and subjective
evaluation of audio quality. The group has world class facilities
(two calibrated listening rooms with professional quality audio
equipment in its Audio Perception Laboratory) to carry out this
research. Information on the work and facilities of the Advanced
Audio Systems group can be found at
http://www.drb.crc.ca/aas/default.htm. Information on the
organization can be found at http://www.crc.ca and information on
Industry Canada is located at http://www.ic.gc.ca.

Doctorate or a Masters degree from a recognized university in
psychology OR Doctorate in Electrical Engineering, Systems and
Computer Engineering or some other specialty relevant to research
in psychoacoustics.

Experience in experimental psychology and/or designing, planning
and carrying out research in psychoacoustics.
Experience in developing computational models of the human
auditory system.
Experience in programming in C/C++ would be an asset.

Knowledge of digital audio technologies and digital signal
processing theory and techniques.

Louis Thibault
Manager, Advanced Audio Systems
Communications Research Centre
3701 Carling Ave., P.O. Box 11490, Station H
Ottawa, Ontario CANADA K2H 8S2
Tel:  +1-613-990-4349     Fax:  +1-613-993-9950
Email:  louis.thibault@crc.ca
Website:  www.drb.crc.ca/aas