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Re: NATO Advanced Study Institute summer 2002: Dynamics of Speech Production and Perception

Dear list members and Dear Pr. Divenyi,

could you please provide universally readable documents (ascii text is
perfect, pdf may be acceptable) rather than proprietary binary documents
on a mailing list. May I draw to your attention that sending binary
documents on a mailing list should be highly discouraged due to virus
transmission and that providing a msword document prevents an important
part of the audience from reading a 'perhaps' interesting information.

An http address indicating where the pdf document can be reached is also a
good way to transmit information.

Not mentioning that my msword2html converter is unable to convert this one
(probably the latest MS word version :-)

Yours sincerely.
Olivier Crouzet.

On Wed, 17 Oct 2001 12:29:30 -0700, Pierre Divenyi wrote:

> Please distribute the enclosed advertisement among your colleagues,
> students, and postdocs.
> Thank you,
> Pierre Divenyi
> for the Organizing Committee
> Pierre Divenyi, Ph.D.      Speech and Hearing Research (151)
>                                       V.A. Medical Center, Martinez, CA
> 94553, USA
> Phone:             (925) 370-6745
> Fax:                       (925) 228-5738
> E-mail :                       pdivenyi@marva4.ebire.org


  Olivier Crouzet
  Human and Machine Perception Research Centre
  MacKay Institute of Communication and Neuroscience
  Department of Life Sciences
  Keele University
  ST5 5BG
  United Kingdom

        phone:          (+44) 1782 - 58 34 85
        fax:            (+44) 1782 - 58 30 55
        e-mail:         o.crouzet@cns.keele.ac.uk
