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Open call for 3 full-time research positions at Ghent University

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The Institute for Psychoacoustics and Electronic Music (IPEM) at the department of musicology at Ghent University, Belgium, is looking for motivated researchers that subscribe to a 4 year PhD program. The work will be carried out in the EmcoMetecca project on “Embodied music cognition and mediation technologies for cultural/creative applications”. This is a long-term ("Methusalem") project supported by the Flemish government at Ghent University that aims at building a centre of excellence in systematic musicology. The project started January 2008. Director is Prof. dr. Marc Leman. Concerning the general research context of the EmcoMetecca project, see also http://www.ipem.ugent.be/EmcoMetecca 


1.      General research context

The EmcoMetecca  project aims at closing the gap between musical experience and the digital/electronic environments that provide this experience. Solutions will be based on empirical methods and advanced technologies for mind-body-music mediation.
Major research objectives comprise:

  • The development of innovative hardware (e.g. autonomous, miniature, flexible, stretchable, low-cost sensors) for interactive music making and music information retrieval.
  • The development of innovative software for real-time interactive music and multimedia systems that foster social embodied interaction with music.
  • The development of empirical methodologies for the study of social embodied music interaction.
  • The development of a platform for cultural/creative applications involving an active user-community in collaboration with Bijloke Music Centrum Ghent.

General research profile:

  • An excellent academic track record, with  strong interest in music
  • Mind for empirical research
  • Capacity to work in an interdisciplinary environment
  • Skills in Academic English writing

Main tasks:

  •  Subscribe a Doctoral School at Ghent University and complete a PhD within 4 years (http://www.ugent.be/en/research/doctoralschools).
  • Academic research at the highest level in the context of the above project description.
  • Assist in teaching and other supporting tasks.

Conditions of employment:

The positions are available on a full-time fixed term basis for four years, following all social regulations of Ghent University. The doctoral students will receive a contract with six months probation. On approval, the contract will be extended for another one year and a half. This contract can be renewed for another two years after evaluation of the research output. Ghent University offers a base salary of approximately 1500 Euro (net) per month for an unmarried and single student with no seniority.

Deadline for applications:

  • Thursday 31st January 2008, send to Micheline.Lesaffre@xxxxxxxx
  • The application should contain a motivation letter and a CV.
  • The positions start not earlier than 1st March 2008.

General information:

  • Ghent University (http://www.ugent.be/) is one of the fastest growing Higher Education Institutions in Western Europe, in student numbers as well as in research intensity. Over 3,000 academic staff members play a significant role in the university's mission of pushing the boundaries of fundamental research and valorising their research findings through publications, product development, and conferences.
  • IPEM, Dept. of Musicology (http://www.ipem.ugent.be/) is the research institute of the department of musicology (part of the larger department of art, music and theatre sciences) at Ghent University. The institute is internationally known for its work in archiving, interactive multimedia, audio/data-mining, music search and retrieval, music and movement, emotions. The approach is based on computational and empirical methods, which includes the use of acoustical/sonological, perceptual/motor, cognitive/emotive, and social/cultural approaches to music analysis. Skills at IPEM are situated in diverse domains, such as: musical audio description (manual and automatic), monitoring sensitive responses to music, computational music processing, user-centred analysis, statistical processing, and theory formation.


2.    Specific profiles

Candidates can apply for one of the following research positions:


  1. Research position in microelectronics and music

·         Masters degree in electronic engineering

·         Experience in microelectronics (hardware development)

·         Profound knowledge of music

Research topic:

·         The development of innovative hardware (e.g. autonomous, miniature, flexible, stretchable, low-cost sensors) for interactive music making and music information retrieval in collaboration with Prof. dr. ir. Jan Vanfleteren from IMEC/TFCG Microsystems (http://tfcg.elis.ugent.be/).

·         Development of demonstrations and applications of real-time music and interactive systems.


  1. Research position in software development for real-time interactive music applications

·         Masters degree in engineering or informatics or equivalent studies

·         Strong affinity with music and signal processing in general

·         Extensive experience in programming C/C++ is required

·         Knowledge of Matlab and visual, real-time programming in Max/MSP and Pure Data is recommended

Research topic:

·         Development of software that links hardware components with real-time interactive applications

·         Analysis of movement data and correlations to audio

·         Demonstrations and applications of real-time music and interactive systems


  1. Research position in the empirical study of social embodied music interaction


·         Masters degree in musicology, psychology, sociology or related disciplines

·         Strong background in empirical approaches to music cognition and human interaction

·         Interest in embodiment and user-centred approaches

Research topic:

·         The development of empirical methodologies for the study of social embodied music interaction

·         Measurement of sound and movement in social music interaction contexts, using innovative technologies

·         Data-analysis