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EMUS - AGORA workshop, Paris, France, 2008 - call for abstract - Prosody of Expressivity in Speech and Music

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Prosody of Expressivity in Speech and Music

Third EMUS Conference - Expressivity in MUsic and Speech

Paris, France, June 17th-18th, 2008, during AGORA music festival
[Abstract submission deadline: February 29th, 2008]
Keywords: emotion, expressivity, prosody, music, acquisition, perception, production, interpretation, performance, cognitive sciences, neurosciences, acoustic analysis, linguistics, phonetics.

The analysis of expressivity in speech and musical performance are two emerging and pluri-disciplinary areas of scientific research. The recent parallelism in this research of the role played by prosody (verbal and/or instrumental) in expressivity raises new questions at the boundary of these two areas. These questions are constantly raised in a more or less direct manner by an artistic community that has “handled” for a long time now the expressive gesture. In order to bring together the many participants in the artistic and scientific domains, this colloquium focuses on two questions : How can one define the expressivities common to both speech and music (what are the semantic and categorical fields) ? What are the acoustical elements common to both music and speech that make possible the description of these expressivities ? These questions will be dealt with from the point of view of the composer, the scientific researcher, the performer and the musicologist.

This workshop will be the third event of a string dedicated to the
relations between language and music:
May 5th: Prosody and Expressivity in Speech and Music (Speech Prosody 2008, Campinas, Brazil) May 16th: Prosody, Babbling and Music (Ecole Normale Supérieure Lettres et Sciences Humaines, Lyon)
June 17-18th: Prosody of Expressivity in Music and Speech (IRCAM, Paris)
September 25th and 26th: Semiotics and microgenesis of verbal and musical forms (RISC, Paris).
Our aim is to make links between several fields of research and create a
community interested in the relations between music and language. The project will be materialized in a final publication of the keynote papers of those four events. This colloquium takes place during the June 2008 Agora Festival. As a counterpoint to this scientific colloquium, IRCAM is organizing - in collaboration with the Conservatoire des Arts et Metiers (CNAM) - an evening event aimed towards a wider public. This event’s goal is to give an accessible overview of current musical and scientific research in the area of expressivity.

The workshop will host about ten posters.
Authors should submit an extended abstract to: beller@xxxxxxxx in pdf
format by February 29, 2008.
We will send an email confirming the reception of the submission. The
suggested abstract length is maximum 1 page, formatted in standard style. The authors of the accepted abstracts will be allocated as poster highlights. Time will be allocated in the programme for poster presentations and discussions. Before the workshop, the extended abstracts (maximum 4 pages) will be made available to a broader
audience on the workshop web site. We also plan to maintain the web page
after the workshop and encourage the authors to submit slides and posters with relevant links to their personal web pages.

Feb 05: Workshop announcement and Call for Abstracts
Feb 29: Abstract submission deadline
Mar 31: Notification of acceptance
Apr 30: Final extended abstracts due
Jun 17/18: Workshop

Grégory Beller (IRCAM);
Nicolas Obin (IRCAM);
Xavier Rodet (IRCAM);

Andrew Gerzso (IRCAM);
Florence Quilliard (IRCAM);

- IRCAM (Grégory Beller, Andrew Gerzso, Florence Quilliard, Xavier Rodet and Nicolas Obin)

For questions/ suggestions about the workshop, please contact
Please refer to http://recherche.ircam.fr/equipes/analyse-synthese/EMUS for up-to-date information about the workshop.
