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Call for Projects - eNTERFACE'09

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Kind regards,

Gualtiero Volpe








July 13 - August 7, 2009


Casa Paganini - InfoMus Lab, DIST - University of Genova, Piazza Santa Maria in Passione 34,

16123 Genova, Italy





Casa Paganini - InfoMus Lab, DIST - University of Genova, invites project proposals for eNTERFACE'09, the 5th summer workshop on multimodal interfaces, to be held in Genova, Italy, from July 13th to August 7th, 2009.

Following the tremendous success of the previous eNTERFACE workshops

(www.enterface.net) held in Mons, Belgium (2005), Dubrovnik, Croatia (2006), Istanbul, Turkey (2007), and Paris, France (2008), eNTERFACE'09 aims at continuing and enhancing the tradition of collaborative, localized research and development work by gathering, in a single place, leading researchers in multimodal interfaces and students to work on specific projects for 4 complete weeks. eNTERFACE'09 will encompass presentation sessions, including tutorial state-of-the-art surveys on several aspects of design of multimodal interfaces, given by invited senior researchers, and periodical presentations of the results achieved by each project group. The ultimate goal is to make this event a unique opportunity for students and experts all over the world to meet and effectively work together, so as to foster the development of tomorrow's multimodal research community. Project submissions on all themes below are welcome. We particularly encourage interdisciplinary proposals covering several themes and proposals integrating the OpenInterface and/or the EyesWeb XMI platforms.



We invite submissions on themes related to innovative multimodal interfaces including, but not restricted to:

* Multimodal signal analysis and synthesis

* Signal-level and meaning-level data fusion

* Intuitive interfaces and personalized systems in real and virtual environments

* User, context and semantics-aware self-learning and adapting systems

* Multimodal conversational systems

* Usability

* Innovative modalities and modalities conversion

* Multimodality for plasticity

* Multimodality for biometrics and security

* Edutainment and learning assistance

* Medical applications

* Embodied agents

* Performing arts applications

* Multimodal interfaces for mobile devices

* Multimodal interfaces for embodied social experience of multimedia content

* Affective Multimodal Interfaces for Digital Art and Entertainment

* Multimodal Semantic Fusion

* Open-Source Framework for Rapid Prototyping of Multimodal Interactive Applications



* January 10th, 2009: Reception of a 1 page Notification of Interest, with a summary of project goals, work-packages, and deliverables;

* January 31th, 2009: Reception of the complete project proposal in the format provided by the Author's kit available at http://www.infomus.org/enterface09;

* February 15th, 2009: Notification of project acceptance; Publication of the Call for Participation;

* March 20st, 2009: Closing of the Call for Participation;

* March 30th, 2009: Publication of teams;

* July 13th  August 7th eNTERFACE'09 Workshop.


Proposals should be submitted in PDF format to enterface09@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Proposals will be screened by the Scientific Committee for suitability to the workshop goals and format.

A call for PhD students and researchers participation to projects will be launched on February 15th, 2009.

Authors of the accepted proposals will then be invited to build their teams.



For any further information/question/comment/suggestion, please visit the

eNTERFACE'09 website at:


or send a message to the local organizing committee at enterface09@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx