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Re: PhD Scholarships UK/EU

Dear list

I would be most grateful if anyone who happens to have any of following 6 papers (a couple of them fairly obscure) could help me out with a copy.
Unfortunately, I have been unable to track them down using the usual means. 

Many thanks in advance and a happy new year,

Assal, G., and Buttet, J. (1983). Agraphie et conservation de l’écriture musicale chez un professeur de pianobilingue. Revue Neurologique, 139: 569-574.

Bouillaud, J. B. (1865). Discussion sur la faculté du langage articulé. Réplique au discours de M. le professeur Trousseau; nouveaux faits à l’appui de notre doctrine. Bulletin de l’Académie Impériale de médecine, 30, 724–781.`

Fasanaro, A. M., Spitaleri, D. L., & Valiani, R. (1990). Dissociation in musical reading: a
musician affected by alexia without agraphia. Music Perception 7: 259-272.

Jellinek, A. (1956). Amusia. Folia Phoniatricia 8: 124-149.

Levin, H. S. & Rose, J. E. (1979). Alexia without agraphia in a musician after transcallosal
removal of a left intraventricula meningioma. Neurosurgery 4: 168-174.

Stanzione, M., Grossi, D., & Roberto, L. (1990). Note-by-note music reading: a musician with letter by letter reading. Perception, 7, 273-284.