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[AUDITORY] Neurocontrol of auditory rehabilitation device using efferent MOC action potentials

Dear List,


Extant passive cochlear implant electrodes could detect action potentials originating in the efferent Medial Olivocochlear (MOC) fibers. In healthy ears the efferent MOC modulates cochlear functioning; when the MOC is damaged, speech comprehension drops - especially in noise.


I have in mind a proof-of-concept experiment to demonstrate that MOC action potentials can be harnessed to control a hearing rehabilitation device in the contralateral ear - to deliver speech comprehension in noise that is superior to that of current digital devices. A senior researcher of a Cochlear Implant manufacturer is willing to provide the necessary interface and cooperation to a principle investigator who would accompany the experiment through the IRB to completion.


Apart from the significant clinical benefit, monitoring of such a device would have relevance for researchers interested in auditory and cognitive plasticity, attention, closed-auditory-loop, signal processing strategies & etc.


I am now searching for a researcher willing to undertake the project as principle investigator - using myself as a subject.


For a full presentation, including the experiment proposal, see cincard.wordpress.com.


If this project interests you please do contact me and/or distribute this to anyone who might be interested.




Jonathan Sivan