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[AUDITORY] PhD Opportunities at Brainlab of University of Barcelona

Title: Documento sin título
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Dear list members,

The Brainlab invites applications for 3-year PhD fellowships in Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience, starting early 2019.

The projects address 1) the encoding of speech sounds in the newborn's brain and 2) the functional significance of genetic advantage in efficient speech encoding.

Find more details in our webpage at http://www.ub.edu/brainlab/job-offers-post/phd-positions-in-auditory-cognitive-neuroscience/

Please distribute to mailing lists and potential applicants.

With kind regards,

Carles Escera, PhD
Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience
Brainlab-Cognitive Neuroscience Research Group
Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychobiology
Institute of Neuroscience
Institut de Recerca Sant Joan de Déu
P. Vall d'Hebron, 171
08035 Barcelona
Tel. +34 93 312 50 48

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