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[AUDITORY] Reminder: 31st Center for Visual Science Symposium: “Frontiers in Virtual Reality

Dear colleagues, 

Late registration starts this Thursday (May 10)

31st Center for Visual Science Symposium: “Frontiers in Virtual Reality” 
This symposium will bring together leaders in vision, neuroscience, multisensory research, optics, computer science and clinical applications whose work connects to new developments in virtual and augmented reality.

June 1-3, 2018 

Invited speakers & schedule

Memorial Art Gallery, Rochester NY, https://mag.rochester.edu

Website, registration & logistics

Poster abstract submission:

Edmund Lalor, PhD

Associate Professor,
Department of Biomedical Engineering and Department of Neuroscience,
University of Rochester,
Rochester, NY, USA.

Adjunct Assistant Professor,
School of Engineering, Trinity College Institute of Neuroscience and Trinity Centre for Bioengineering,
Trinity College Dublin,
Dublin 2, Ireland

Phone: +1-585-275-3077