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[AUDITORY] Announcement: New issue of the Journal of Sonic Studies online

We are proud to announce that Issue 17 of JSS (http://sonicstudies.orgis now online. This issue again is a special issue, this time centred around sonic information design. Guest editors for this issue are David Worrall and Stephen Barrass. Sonic Information Design refers to the design of sounds to provide useful information in applications that have impact in our daily lives. The articles in this special issue of the Journal of Sonic Studies on Sonic Information Design had their origins as responses to the theme of the 22nd International Conference for Auditory Display, held in Canberra, Australia in 2016. JSS 17 includes the following papers:

• Editorial: On Sonic Information Design - David Worrall and Stephen Barrass
• Sonic Information Design - Stephen Barrass
• Addressing the Mapping Problem in Sonic Information Design through Embodied Image Schemata, Conceptual Metaphors, and Conceptual Blending - Stephen Roddy and Brian Bridges
• Sonifying for Public Engagement: A Context-Based Model for Socially Relevant Data - Milena Droumeva and Marc St Pierre
• The Planetorium: Sonic Information Design for Earthling Audiences - R. Michael Winters, Avrosh Kumar, Brianna J. Tomlinson and Bruce N. Walker
• Sonic Information Design for the Display of Proteomic Data - William L. Martens
• Informative Sound Assists Timing in a Simple Visual Decision-Making Task - Keith Nesbitt, Paul Williams, Patrick Ng, Karen Blackmore and Ami Eidels