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Re: [AUDITORY] Moving the AUDITORY list?

I have no dog in this hunt.  I thought Roy's common-sense message was thoughtful, deferential, and expressed an appreciation many of us have for the maintenance of this list.   I found Peter's argumentative and challenging tone to be rather off-putting. Such is the nature of electronic communication for some.  Roy need not back up his statements and opinions with evidence.  This isn't a formal debate.  Those who disagree have stated their case and anyone is free to do that without challenging others.

As for privacy, yes, this is 2018.  This, however, is an auditory list.  I perceive little risk to my privacy.  Even if all of the communications on the list were, somehow, made available to the general public, I, for one, would lose no sleep.  I don't plan on posting personal information here.  As for the freedom of information, even if a vendor discontinued the service, that would hardly constitute a crisis.  Again, I have no particular affinity for one solution over another.  I hope that the various concerns can be kept in perspective and that civil discourse will continue.

Les B.

On 10/25/2018 3:57 AM, Peter P. wrote:
Dear Roy,

* Roy D. Patterson <rdp1@xxxxxxxxx> [2018-10-25 06:07]:
Having followed the discussion on the list with interest, I think
migrating to Google Groups is a reasonable option, 
Can you give the reasons that support this option?

Dear List members who have participated in the discussion: 

I appreciate the reasoned arguments you have put forward, but I think
you have not given enough weight to the advantages of the solution that
Dan proposes. 
More weight has been given that can I can extract from this your mail.
Alternatives have been suggested, criticism has been expressed (to which
you have no replies so far), and people have even offered to host/admin
the list.

If he does actually have time to implement the move to
Google Groups, I think we should accept the offer with our sincere
thanks. We have every reason to believe that he will provide us with a
solution that will work well for most people. To start afresh with a new
volunteer manager involves considerable risk. 
Have you managed mailing lists yourself? Can you back up your last point
I would it rephrase as follows. We have every reasong to believe that
moving the list to a google product involves considerable risks. Namely
to the freedom of information and to our privacy. This is 2018, these
things matter now.


Leslie R. Bernstein, Ph.D. | Professor
Depts. of Neuroscience and Surgery (Otolaryngology)| UConn School of Medicine

263 Farmington Avenue, Farmington, CT 06030-3401
Office: 860.679.4622 | Fax: 860.679.2495