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It is our pleasure to share the Save the Date for the 2nd Virtual Conference on Computational Audiology (VCCA) to be held on 25 June 2021.


Dear all,
It is our pleasure to share the - Save the Date - and - Call for Abstracts - for the 2nd Virtual Conference on Computational Audiology (VCCA) to be held on 25 June 2021.

VCCA2021 will provide a virtual platform to present and discuss research and future opportunities in Computational Audiology. This year, VCCA will be hosted virtually by the Cambridge Hearing Group.

Topics for VCCA2021:

  • Big data and AI in audiology and hearing healthcare
  • Computational approaches to improving hearing devices and auditory implants
  • Data-based investigations into hearing loss and tinnitus
  • Electrophysiology, psychophysics and speech perception with hearing loss
  • Computational models of hearing, speech and auditory perception
  • Diagnostics for hearing problems, acoustics to facilitate hearing
  • e-Audiology (connected hearing healthcare, wireless- and internet-based services)
  • e-Research (remote testing, online experiments, new tools and frameworks)
The goal of VCCA is to improve and facilitate access to hearing healthcare, devices and audiological interventions globally. Especially younger researchers are encouraged to present their research.
Key features:
  • 1-day conference with keynotes, featured & submitted talks
  • Interactive sessions with focused discussions
  • Accessibility: No participation fees & several time zones
  • VCCA2021 Young Scientist Award
  • VCCA2021 Video Pitch Award for the best 2-minute abstract

Abstract submission will be available from 5 April 2021 at https://computationalaudiology.com/vcca2021-call-for-abstracts/
Abstract submission deadline: 1 May 2021 
We look forward to your submissions and participation, please get in touch with questions & suggestions!
Kind regards,
Tobias Goehring and Jan-Willem Wasmann
on behalf of the Organizing Committee.

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Upcoming events

Computationalaudiology.com updates

  • As part of the ARO Symposium 'Emerging Capabilities for Evaluating Human Hearing', we created a forum and an online hearing test demonstration. The symposium has been recorded and can be viewed in the next two weeks if you're registered for ARO 2021.
  • Please contact us if you want to publish a blog about your project or if you want to share an online resource (e.g. a demonstration).

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