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[AUDITORY] Fechner Day 2021

#Apologies for cross-posting.

Dear colleagues,

Just a reminder that Fechner Day 2021 will be held online this year due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The dates, deadlines, and format will be comparable to last year, please visit the Fechner Day 2021 website:  http://fechnerday.com/fd2021/. 

We would like to request again that you share this information with your colleagues as we were aware of an ongoing issue with spam filters. Our Science Communication Officer, Natalia, has created a Google group: https://groups.google.com/g/ispsychophysics. We hope to transition to this venue in the future to communicate more directly.

If you have any question or wish to propose a symposium, please contact Dr. Schoenherr directy: jordan.schoenherr@xxxxxxxxxxx


Organizing Committee
Jordan Schoenherr

Kazuo UEDA, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Unit of Perceptual Psychology, Dept. Human Science/
Research Center for Applied Perceptual Science/
Division of Auditory and Visual Perception Research
Research and Development Center for Five-Sense Devices
Kyushu University, 4-9-1 Shiobaru Minami-ku
Fukuoka 815-8540, Japan
Senior Visiting Scientist, RIKEN
Phone & facsimile +81 92 553 9460 
e-mail  ueda@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx