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[AUDITORY] AUDITIO, the Spanish Journal of Audiology now accepting contributions in English

AUDITIO | Spanish Journal of Audiology now accepting contributions in English 

Dear Auditory List, 

We are pleased to announce that after 20 years committed to the dissemination of hearing research in Spanish, AUDITIO | The Spanish Journal of Audiology is relaunching as a bilingual journal, and accepting contributions in the English language 

AUDITIO considers for publication original research articles as well as acceptable secondary contributions (“Research Reports”) in the field of audiology and hearing sciences. Due to AUDITIO’s diverse readershipcontributions should emphasize their significance for the scientific and clinical community, and the writing style should be adequate for a broad and multidisciplinary audience. 

To increase the outreach of our publication, since 2021 all articles published in AUDITIO are open access under a creative commons license and available both in English and Spanish. Contributions can be submitted in the two languages, with the translation being carried out by our team of professional scientific translators.  

AUDITIO evaluates the submissions in a rigorous and transparent peer-review. Furthermore, AUDITIO ensures the publication of articles of interest for the broad audiological community by having a "third reviewer", usually a hearing care professional, who provides additional feedback in the peer-review process. 

AUDITIO is preserved using LOCKSS and PKP PN, registered in Sherpa/Romeo and has a detailed plan for full indexation in PubMed, DOAJ, REDIB, Web of Science by 2023 and Scopus by 2024. [https://journal.auditio.com/auditio/indexation2024] 

We look forward to receiving your contributions, do not hesitate to contact the editorial team if you want to discuss a potential submission. 


All the best, 

The AUDITIO Editorial Team. 

AUDITIO | Spanish Journal of Audiology 
ISSN: 1577-3108 
published by the Spanish Audiological Society (AEDA) 
XX Anniversary (2001-2021) 



Raul Sanchez Lopez




Ørsteds Plads

Building 352

2800 Kgs. Lyngby
