Re: How much precision needed? ("Edward M. Burns" )

Subject: Re: How much precision needed?
From:    "Edward M. Burns"  <pwa(at)U.WASHINGTON.EDU>
Date:    Sat, 16 Apr 1994 10:20:41 -0700

>I suspect that you could recognize a piece of music through 3 or 4 >channels too, if it was as familiar to you as the words and phrases >of your language are. You wouldn't get the timbral nuances of the >music, and you would have to fill in some aspects of the music from >memory, but this is probably what happens in the speech case too. Bregman What is your mailing address? I will send you a tape Shannon made with both music and speech through the 4-channel implant simulation. Not only won't you recognize familiar pieces of music, you won't even be able to tell the type of music, whereas the speech is (darn close to) perfectly intelligible. Ed Burns

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