wavelets in Sydney (fwd) (Al Bregman )

Subject: wavelets in Sydney (fwd)
From:    Al Bregman  <bregman(at)HEBB.PSYCH.MCGILL.CA>
Date:    Thu, 13 May 1999 16:59:40 -0400

Date: Mon, 10 May 1999 21:47:00 +1000 (EST) From: Marwan Jabri <marwan(at)ee.usyd.edu.au> X-Sender: marwan(at)brain.sedal.usyd.edu.au To: Connectionists <connectionists(at)cs.cmu.edu> Subject: postdoc Please feel free to post... Post-Doctoral Fellow in Wavelets-Based Timeseries Analysis Computer Engineering Laboratory School of Electrical and Information Engineering The University of Sydney, Australia Applications are invited for Post-doctoral fellow position funded by an Australian Research Council project grant and in collaboration with an financial engineering company. The two-year project aims at investigating wavelets preprocessing techniques and their applications to timeseries analysis and compression. Applicants would have completed (or about to complete) their PhD in electrical, computer or related engineering or science discipline and have demonstrated research capacity in the area of timeseries analysis, machine learning or related field. The fellow will be expected to work independently and to play a leading role in the project co-supervising postgraduate students contributing to the project. Knowledge of computational techniques in the neural computing area, and their implementation in software are advantages. Appointment will be made initially for a period of one year, and renewable for another year subject to progress. Expected starting date in June, 1999. Closing date: 21 May 1999 Salary range: A$ 41,620 - A$ 46,017 To apply, send letter of application, CV and names, fax and email of three referees to M. Jabri Tel (+61-2) 9351 2240, Fax (+61-2) 9351 7209, Email: marwan(at)sedal.usyd.edu.au >From whom further information can be obtained.

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