Contributions to Psychological Acoustics (Christian Spevak )

Subject: Contributions to Psychological Acoustics
From:    Christian Spevak  <cspevak(at)HOTMAIL.COM>
Date:    Wed, 12 Jan 2000 14:27:52 -0000

I have been asked to post the following notice to the list: Advance Notice Contributions to Psychological Acoustics. Results of the 8th Oldenburg Symposium on Psychological Acoustics. Edited by August Schick, Markus Meis, and Carsten Reckhardt. Oldenburg 2000. ISBN 3-8142-0697-5 The eighth volume of the Oldenburg Symposia on Psychological Acoustics will be forthcoming in January 2000. This volume contains 570 pages with 30 topical contributions from the field of psychological and physiological acoustics, psychoacoustics, and research on auditory perception and noise effects. Many young academics of the new generation, full of innovative ideas, and internationally acclaimed experts, holding a long-standing reputation, have contributed to make this volume convey an impressive insight into the current standing of the debate among German research groups and Graduate Schools. This volume reflects furthermore, the state-of-the-art concerning some important research topics. Since we intend this series on our symposia to be also within the financial means of students and graduate students studying for a doctorate, publication costs should be held as low as possible. This is why we would appreciate your sending us advance orders even today. Current minimum price: 25 $, 25 Euro, 3000 Yen, or 50 DM (incl. postage) Please send your order to: Dr. Markus Meis Institut zur Erforschung von Mensch-Umwelt-Beziehungen Universit=E4t Oldenburg, FB 5, Psychologie Postfach 2503 D-26111 Oldenburg Germany e-mail: meis(at) For more information please visit:

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