Re: Perception of rise/fall times (Chris Stecker )

Subject: Re: Perception of rise/fall times
From:    Chris Stecker  <cstecker(at)COGSCI.BERKELEY.EDU>
Date:    Thu, 10 May 2001 17:40:49 -0400

Actually, sounds with _fast_ onsets and _slow_ decays are judged as _less loud_ than their time-reversed analogs. The reverse is true of the inverse. [Stecker & Hafter (2000) JASA 107:3358-3368] -Chris >At 03:31 PM 5/10/01 -0400, Dennis P. Phillips, Ph.D. wrote: >>Hi Everyone: >> >>I'd like to thank all who responded to my recent question about asymmetries >>in the perceptual effects of rise and fall times. The responses were >>diverse, thoughtful, informative, and often pointed me to references which >>I had not previously found. This has been very helpful indeed. Again, many >>thanks. >> >>For folks who are interested, a "potted" summary would go something like >>this. Sounds with fast onsets and slow decays are judged as louder than >>their time-reversed analogs. Sinusoids with exponential onsets (ramped >>sinusoids) have a more tonal quality, and a less hollow, percussive one, >>than their time-reversed counterparts (damped sinusoids). Normal listeners >>are more sensitive to switching transients at the onset of a tone than to >>those at its offset. Thresholds for amplitude decrement detection are >>comparable to those for increment detection if the decrement is not too >>short in duration. Rise times (plucks and bows) are not perceived >>categorically. In general, these findings point to the perceptual >>importance of stimulus onsets (or increments). Below are a few of the >>references.

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