7th Intl Conf on Music Perception & Cognition - Draft Program (Kate Stevens )

Subject: 7th Intl Conf on Music Perception & Cognition - Draft Program
From:    Kate Stevens  <kj.stevens(at)UWS.EDU.AU>
Date:    Tue, 23 Apr 2002 15:42:01 +1000

7th International Conference on Music Perception & Cognition (ICMPC7) Sydney, Australia, July 17-21, 2002 Draft PROGRAM Now On-Line: www.uws.edu.au/marcs/icmpc7/ Click on 'Program' Please direct the web address to colleagues, friends, students who may be interested in attending ICMPC7. The program shows The four keynote speakers, and over 228 reviewed papers including 12 specialist symposia. Details of satellite meetings and registration information are also on the web page. The ICMPC7 organising team look forward to hosting this international meeting and welcoming researchers from around the world to Sydney. Join us if you can! Kate Stevens Chair, ICMPC7 ------------------------------------------ ICMPC7 c/- Dr Kate Stevens School of Psychology & MARCS University of Western Sydney - Bankstown Locked Bag 1797 South Penrith DC NSW 1797 Australia Tel: +612 9772 6324 Fax: +612 9772 6736 Email: icmpc7(at)uws.edu.au Web: http://www.uws.edu.au/marcs/icmpc7/ ------------------------------------------

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