Re: Listening Tests (=?iso-8859-1?Q?S=F8ren_Bech?= )

Subject: Re: Listening Tests
From:    =?iso-8859-1?Q?S=F8ren_Bech?=  <SBE(at)BANG-OLUFSEN.DK>
Date:    Tue, 25 Feb 2003 20:10:34 +0100

A good source to begin with is the ITU-R recommendation BS.1116 - This standard was developed for listening tests on low bit-rate codecs with small impairments. I don't know what type and magnitude of impairments you are planning to examine but if they are larger there is another ITU-R standard (not accepted yet) for that: BS.[DOC.6/106(rev.1)-E](1534) You can obtain these docs at the ITU web page ( Hope this helps Best from Soren Lawrence Miranda <lawrence.miranda To: AUDITORY(at)LISTS.MCGILL.CA (at)UP.EDU.PH> cc: Sent by: AUDITORY Subject: Listening Tests Research in Auditory Perception <AUDITORY(at)LISTS.M CGILL.CA> 26-02-2003 03:28 Please respond to Lawrence Miranda Dear List, What are the proper/most accurate listening tests to test the audibility of a watermaked audio signal? I would greatly appreciate any links to resources/papers/tutorials/matlab codes for gui/source codes to conduct the listening tests.

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