The bach Choral Dilemma (Piet Vos )

Subject: The bach Choral Dilemma
From:    Piet Vos  <vos(at)NICI.KUN.NL>
Date:    Mon, 27 Jan 2003 10:56:16 +0100

Among the most beautiful and perceptually convincing examples of melodic streaming certainly figure JS Bach's suites for solo cello and sonatas & partita's for solo violin. Piet G. Vos -- Piet G. Vos section Perception NICI, U. Nijmegen P.O.Box 9104 6500 HE Nijmegen NL tel: +31 24 36126 31/20; fax: +31 24 361 60 66; vos(at) home-page: et altissimus humilissimum facere debet

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