Place-based pitch (Al Bregman )

Subject: Place-based pitch
From:    Al Bregman  <al.bregman(at)>
Date:    Wed, 24 Mar 2004 16:26:15 -0500

Dear list, There is a phenomenon that suggests a contribution of place information to pitch at all frequencies: the phenomenon of diplacusis, the hearing of different pitches for the same sound at the two ears (when presented to only one ear at a time). It is hard to imagine how a temporal mechanism could produce such an effect, but if the two cochleas were slightly different anatomically, one could see how this phenomenon could occur. The idea is that place plays a secondary role at all frequencies, perhaps choosing between temporal conclusions that are close to one another in probability based on the temporal mechanism (e.g., octave differences), but can influence the pitches to be slightly "off" when the two cochleas have different topologies. Al ----------------------------------------------------------- Albert S. Bregman, Emeritus Professor Dept. of Psychology, McGill University 1205 Docteur Penfield Ave. Montreal, QC Canada H3A 1B1 Office Tel: (514) 398-6103, Fax -4896 E-mail: al.bregman(at) -----------------------------------------------------------

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