Post-doctoral Fellowship at the University of York, UK ("P. J. Bailey" )

Subject: Post-doctoral Fellowship at the University of York, UK
From:    "P. J. Bailey"  <P.Bailey(at)PSYCH.YORK.AC.UK>
Date:    Thu, 7 Jul 2005 10:17:37 +0100

<html> <body> Post-doctoral Fellowship at the University of York, UK<br> &nbsp;<br> Development of Spatial Hearing<br> &nbsp;<br> This is an exciting opportunity to study the development of complex abilities in children=92s hearing using state-of-the-art facilities for behavioural testing and neuro-imaging in collaboration with Quentin Summerfield and Peter Bailey. We are seeking a doctoral scientist with experience in psychoacoustics/audiology and interests in auditory development. The post offers the opportunity to learn techniques in auditory neuro-imaging using MEG, fMRI, and EEG. Further details can be found at <a href=3D""></a>.<br> &nbsp;<br> The department is one of Britain=92s top departments of psychology. Informal enquiries can be made to Professor Quentin Summerfield (Tel: -44-1904 432913, e-mail aqs1(at)<br> &nbsp;<br> The salary will be within the range =A322,507 to =A324,820 per annum. The post is available for a period of two-and-a-half years. The post is subject to enhanced disclosure from the UK Criminal Records Bureau.<br> &nbsp;<br> To apply, please consult the web-site of the Personnel Department of the University of York at <a href=3D""></a> (DR05247).<br><br> <x-sigsep><p></x-sigsep> _______________________________________________________<br> Peter J. Bailey<br> Department of Psychology, University of York, York YO10 5DD, UK<br> Tel: 01904-433141; Fax: 01904-433181; Email: pjb1(at)<br> _______________________________________________________<br> </body> </html>

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