A question about liquid sound /r/ and /l/ (xinhui zhou )

Subject: A question about liquid sound /r/ and /l/
From:    xinhui zhou  <zxinhui2001@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Mon, 30 Jan 2006 13:20:19 -0500

Hi, everyone, why /r/ and /l/ are called liquid and how this term liquid originated ? I happened to read an online book called '' A Little Encyclopaedia of Phonetics'' (www.personal.rdg.ac.uk/~llsroach/encyc.pdf), which reminds me of this question I had before. That book mentioned (pp.47) liquid is an old-fashioned word but somehow the term suvives. Can someone have more details about the origin of this term ? Thanks a lot, Xinhui Zhou

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