Re: making a sound unrecognizable (the satanic trick) (Massimo Grassi )

Subject: Re: making a sound unrecognizable (the satanic trick)
From:    Massimo Grassi  <massimo.grassi@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Wed, 13 Sep 2006 09:18:38 +0200

Hi Ursula, > I'm looking for a possibility to change/edit a environmental or at > least natural sound in a way that it is not any longer recognizable as > what it is, but, however, for doing this with changing as less acoustic > parameters as possible. ;-) The intention is to use these sounds in a > MMN paradigm and it is important that both "versions" of the sound are > acoustically as similar as possible. > The main point is that the sound (that can also be a more complex thing > as the sound of a barking dog or a something like that) should be not > possible to be recognized as what it is. a good way to make a sound unrecognisable is to play it backward in time (see for example, the ASA demo cd). Acoustics parameters are untouched (although time reversed). It might not work for amplitude steady sounds (e.g. a food blender). Ciao, m ******************** Massimo Grassi - PhD Laboratorio di Psicologia Via Petracco 8 - 33100 Udine - Italy IMPORTANT! BEFORE SENDING REGULAR MAIL PLEASE SEND AN EMAIL ---------------------------------------------------------------------- SEMEL (SErvizio di Messaging ELettronico) - CSIT -Universita' di Udine

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