Re: environmental non-noises (Brian Gygi )

Subject: Re: environmental non-noises
From:    Brian Gygi  <bgygi@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Thu, 22 Mar 2007 09:38:23 -0700

Ferenc, I did a study a few years ago with a version of chimerical environmental sounds, which had the long-term spectra of one sound and the envelope of another. They were very interesting - they sounded like they should be something, but it was hard to tell what. I can send you some code for making those if you like Brian Honbolygó Ferenc wrote: > Dear List members, > > We are currently working on an experiment about the semantical > processing of environmental noises. We are trying to do a similar task > as the lexical decision task with words and nonwords, but with > environmental noises and "non-noises". The problem is that we have a > hard time creating non-noises which are quite environmental > noise-like, but are not recognizable. We tried almost every distortion > methods used in the literature (reversing, spectrally-rotating, > scrambling the parts) but the sounds are always pretty much > recognizable by most people. > Does anyone have any idea on how to create such non-recognizable > non-noises based on existing environmental noises? Or is this idea > just not feasible, because people will always think that what they > heard is something real? > Thanks, > Ferenc Honbolygó >

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