ERB at high levels (Ken Grant )

Subject: ERB at high levels
From:    Ken Grant  <grant@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Fri, 25 Apr 2008 13:29:36 -0400

We are looking for any data or model of ERB as a function of level. We are aware of the Oxenham and Simonson (2006) and the Baker and Rosen (2006) papers which don't go above 70 dB SPL. We would like to hear any suggestions as to what people think normal-hearing ERBs at 500, 1000, 2000, and 4000 look like at input levels as high as 90-95 dB SPL. -- Ken W. Grant Walter Reed Army Medical Center Army Audiology and Speech Center Building 2, Room 6A53C Washington, DC 20307-5001 Work: 202-782-8596 Fax: 202-782-9228 email: grant@xxxxxxxx

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