post-doctoral position in evoked potentials and cochlear implants (Colette Mckay )

Subject: post-doctoral position in evoked potentials and cochlear implants
From:    Colette Mckay  <Colette.Mckay@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Wed, 6 Feb 2008 17:42:25 +0000

Dear List, Please see advertisement below for a new post-doctoral position at the University of Manchester, UK. This is an externally funded project which investigates the relationship between psychophysical and objective measures in cochlear implants in relation to understanding individual differences that impact on speech understanding. THE UNIVERSITY OF MANCHESTER FACULTY OF MEDICAL AND HUMAN SCIENCES SCHOOL OF PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCES RESEARCH ASSOCIATE (REF: MHS/045/08) Starting Salary £26,666 You will join a world-leading research team to investigate how individual differences in central auditory function reflect outcomes with a cochlear implant. You will have a PhD and demonstrable research experience in the field of auditory evoked potentials. The post is based within a highly active multidisciplinary research group with strong links to local health services and other research groups nationally and internationally. You will have an excellent opportunity for career advancement and the chance to develop further research skills and collaborations. Informal enquiries to Professor Colette McKay (tel +44 161 306 1671, email Colette.mckay@xxxxxxxx). Application forms and further particulars are available at or from The Directorate of Human Resources, Faculty of Medical and Human Sciences, email: mhs-hr@xxxxxxxx Tel: 0161 275 8835. Closing date: 29 February 2008. Please quote reference. Interviews date Wednesday 19th March The University will actively foster a culture of inclusion and diversity and will seek to achieve true equality of opportunity for all members of its community. ***************************************************** Professor Colette McKay Chair in Applied Hearing Science Human Communication and Deafness Group School of Psychological Sciences University of Manchester Manchester M13 9PL Phone: +44 (0)161 3061671 Fax: +44 (0)161 2753373 colette.mckay@xxxxxxxx PA Wendy Spruce +44 (0)161 2758281 wendy.spruce@xxxxxxxx *******************************************************

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