CFP: 2nd International Conference on Music Communication Science (ICoMCS2), Sydney Australia Dec 3-4 2009 (Kate Stevens )

Subject: CFP: 2nd International Conference on Music Communication Science (ICoMCS2), Sydney Australia Dec 3-4 2009
From:    Kate Stevens  <kj.stevens@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Tue, 30 Jun 2009 14:23:38 +1000

CALL FOR PAPERS 2nd International Conference on Music Communication Science (ICoMCS2) 3-4 December, 2009, Sydney, University of New South Wales, Australia - Submissions due Monday July 13, 2009 - ICoMCS2 is an interdisciplinary meeting on all aspects of music communication. Topic areas include music performance, perception and cognition; intermodal processes; audio-visual search and retrieval; music, language, and speech; generative systems; music and medicine; music education; ethnomusicology; music therapy; sonification and spatialization; musical interfaces; digital media; interactive arts; psychophysics and psychoacoustics. ICoMCS2 follows the inaugural conference held in 2007 ( and is organised jointly by the Australian Music & Psychology Society (AMPS - and HCSNet ­ the ARC Network in Human Communication Science ( We invite submission of abstracts, proposals for four-paper themed symposia, and full (four-page) papers for review. Submissions for performance and installation sessions are also welcome. The deadline for ICoMCS2 submissions is Monday July 13, 2009. The template for full papers, as well as a link to the web-based submission page, is here: IMPORTANT! Before submitting an abstract or paper via the HCSNet submission page, you will need to join HCSNet (so as to receive updates on ICoMCS2 and HCSNet SummerFest). Join HCSnet by visiting the HCSNet homepage (, then going to ŒLogin¹ in the left-hand column and clicking on ŒCreate New Account¹, and then follow the steps. ICoMCS2 IMPORTANT DATES 2009 Monday, July 13: Submission of abstract, symposium proposal, or full paper for review Monday, August 24: Notification of Acceptance Monday, September 21: Registrations open, camera-ready versions (for full papers) due Mon-Fri 30 Nov-4 Dec: HCSNet SummerFest including Summer Schools Thurs-Fri 3-4 Dec: ICoMCS2 (during HCSNet SummerFest) We hope to see you in Sydney in December! Kate Stevens, Emery Schubert and the ICoMCS2 Organising Committee -- Assoc Prof Kate Stevens Assoc Head, School of Psychology (Academic) & Assoc Director, Music, Sound, & Action: MARCS Auditory Laboratories University of Western Sydney - Bankstown Post: Locked Bag 1797 South Penrith 1797 Australia Street: Bldg 1 Rm G.132, Bullecourt Ave, Milperra Phone: +612 9772 6324; Fax: +612 9772 6040 MARCS: ICoMCS2: --

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