KayPentax Disordered Voice Database ("Olaf Schleusing (audio)" )

Subject: KayPentax Disordered Voice Database
From:    "Olaf Schleusing (audio)"  <audio@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Tue, 12 Oct 2010 09:37:25 +0200

Hi, I am working on the evaluation and restoration of alaryngeal voices, in particular laryngectomized voices. I came across several references to the "KayPentax Disordered Voice Database" (also called MEEI database). Does anyone know whether this database contains useful material for research on this particular type of pathological voices and how to obtain it? The website of the producer (KayPentax) does not provide much information regarding this. For any help I am very thankful! Best regards, Olaf Schleusing

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