Flexible Audio Source Separation Toolbox (FASST) (Alexey Ozerov )

Subject: Flexible Audio Source Separation Toolbox (FASST)
From:    Alexey Ozerov  <alexey.ozerov@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Thu, 7 Apr 2011 16:47:49 +0200

[apologies for cross-posting] Dear list, I am happy to announce that we have released the first version of FASST (Flexible Audio Source Separation Toolbox) http://bass-db.gforge.inria.fr/fasst/ This toolbox is intended to speed up the conception and to automate the implementation of new model-based audio source separation algorithms. Enjoy it! Alexey.

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DAn Ellis <dpwe@ee.columbia.edu>
Electrical Engineering Dept., Columbia University