PhD position in model based hearing aid algorithms at the University of Oldenburg ("Dr. Stephan M. A. Ernst" )

Subject: PhD position in model based hearing aid algorithms at the University of Oldenburg
From:    "Dr. Stephan M. A. Ernst"  <stephan.ernst@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Tue, 10 Jan 2012 15:44:54 +0100

Universität Oldenburg, Medical Physics Group Research Assistant in Auditory Perception E13/2, (ca. 20000 €/a, for 2.5 years) Applications are invited for the position of a Research Assistant (PhD position) in the Medical Physics group of Prof. Dr. Dr. Birger Kollmeier, in the Department of Physics, University of Oldenburg. Other members of the group include Dr. Volker Hohmann, Dr. Stephan Ewert, Dr. Stephan M. A. Ernst et al.. For information about the group see: The position is funded by the BMBF (German Federal Ministry of Education and Research) in the framework of the project “model based hearing aid algorithms” and is available from 1st January, 2012 until 31st August, 2014. The project aims at improving the compensation of hearing loss, especially of binaural hearing loss, via model-assisted development of hearing aid algorithms. The holder of the position would be expected to co-operate in the planning, setting up, running and analysis of psychoacoustic experiments with both normally hearing and hearing-impaired subjects as well as the developing, implementing and evaluating of auditory perception models. The work may also involve experiments using speech stimuli and the development and evaluation of signal-processing schemes for hearing aids. There is some flexibility in the project, and the work can be adapted to some extent to suit the interests and expertise of the applicant. Applicants should have a Master (or german Diplom) in physics or an area closely related to hearing, for example psychoacoustics, audiology, audio engineering or speech sciences. Experience in programming (including Matlab) would also be a advantage. Applications including a CV, a motivation letter, copies of the most important certificates and 1-2 references should be sent until Jan. 31st to birger.kollmeier@xxxxxxxx and CC to stephan.ernst@xxxxxxxx For further information and or informal chats about the post please contact Dr. Stephan Ernst (stephan.ernst@xxxxxxxx). (Applications are accepted until the position is filled) The University of Oldenburg is an equal-opportunity employer that seeks to increase the percentage of female faculty members. Women qualified for this position are therefore especially encouraged to apply. Applicants with disabilities will be preferentially considered in case of equal qualifications. -- Dr. Stephan Ernst Medizinische Physik Fakultät V - Institut für Physik Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg 26111 Oldenburg Germany phone: +49 441 798 - 3091 fax: +49 441 798 - 3902

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