Looking for a 1948 thesis (Romain Brette )

Subject: Looking for a 1948 thesis
From:    Romain Brette  <romain.brette@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Fri, 26 Oct 2012 16:06:53 +0200

Dear list, I am looking for the following thesis: G Loesch and BL Kapell, "The frequency limit for the perception of binaural beats and for cyclic binaural localization,", Princeton thesis 1948 If anyone happens to have a scanned version, it would be very helpful! Thank you! Romain -- Just published: Handbook of Neural Activity Measurement http://www.cambridge.org/9780521516228 Blog: http://www.briansimulator.org/category/romains-blog/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/RomainBrette

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DAn Ellis <dpwe@ee.columbia.edu>
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