CfP Emotion and Computing 2013 (Bjoern Schuller )

Subject: CfP Emotion and Computing 2013
From:    Bjoern Schuller  <schuller@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Thu, 11 Apr 2013 15:41:26 +0000

Dear List, For those of you working in the field of Affective Comupting, the following call may be of interest: -------------------------------------------------------------- Call for Papers -------------------------------------------------------------- 7th Workshop: "emotion and computing - current research and future impact" WORKSHOP at the KI 2013 Koblenz, September 16th, 2013 -------------------------------------------------------------- The workshop series "emotion and computing - current research and future impact" has been providing a platform for discussion of emotion related topics of computer science and AI since 2006. In recent years computer science research has shown increasing efforts in the field of software agents which incorporate emotion. Several approaches have been made concerning emotion recognition, emotion modelling, generation of emotional user interfaces and dialogue systems as well as anthropomorphic communication agents. Motivations for emotional computing are manifold. From a scientific point of view, emotions play an essential role in decision making, as well as in perception and learning. Furthermore, emotions influence rational thinking and therefore should be part of rational agents as proposed by artificial intelligence research. Another focus is on human computer interfaces which include believable animations of interface agents. From a user perspective, emotional interfaces can significantly increase motivation and engagement which is of high relevance to the games and e-learning industry. Moreover, motivational and emotional aspects may play a key role in persuasive technologies, which intend to influence the user behaviour. Contributions are solicited from the following fields: -Artificial Intelligence Research -Cognitive Sciences and Cognitive Robotics -Multi-agent System Technology -Speech Synthesis and Speech Recognition -Dialogue Systems and Communication -Modeling Uncertainty and Vagueness -Computer Game Development -User Modeling and Personalization -Applications using models of emotion -Persuasive Computing/Technologies -Affective Computing Contributions are expected in the following form: - Presentations should have a duration of 15-20 minutes. Each presenter is required to submit a short paper on the presented topic. Papers are subject to regular peer review and subsequent publication within the workshop proceedings (4-8 pages). - Demonstrations are documented by an extended abstract which should not exceed 1 page in total - Workshop submission is electronic. Submitted papers should conform Springer LNCS style and must be written in English. Papers will be published on the workshop website. Further publication is in discussion and depends on submitted papers. Important Dates: Workshop paper submission deadline:          July 1st, 2013 Notification of workshop paper acceptance:   July 23rd, 2013 Workshop camera ready copy submission:       August 19th, 2013 Organization and Scientific Committee: Prof. Dr. Dirk Reichardt, Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University Stuttgart (main contact) Dr. Joscha Bach,Klayo AG, Berlin Dr. Christian Becker-Asano, Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies Dr. Hana Boukricha,University of Bielefeld Dr. Patrick Gebhard, DFKI Saarbrücken Prof. Dr. Michael Kipp, Hochschule Augsburg Prof. Dr. Paul Levi, University of Stuttgart Prof. Dr. John-Jules Charles Meyer, University of Utrecht Dr. Götz Renner, Daimler AG, Customer Research Center Prof. Dr. Michael M. Richter, University of Calgary Prof. Dr. Björn Schuller, TU München Prof. Dr. David Sündermann, DHBW Stuttgart Please refer to the workshop website for further information: Workshop Website: Email: mailto://info@xxxxxxxx ___________________________________________ Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Björn W. Schuller Head Institute for Sensor Systems University of Passau Passau / Germany Head Machine Intelligence & Signal Processing Group Institute for Human-Machine Communication Technische Universität München Munich / Germany CEO audEERING UG (haftungsbeschränkt) Gilching / Germany Visiting Professor School of Computer Science and Technology Harbin Institute of Technology Harbin / P.R. China Associate Institute for Information and Communication Technologies JOANNEUM RESEARCH Graz / Austria Associate Centre Interfacultaire en Sciences Affectives Université de Genève Geneva / Switzerland schuller@xxxxxxxx ___________________________________________

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