need two old papers re loudness of interrupted stimuli (Iftikhar Nizami )

Subject: need two old papers re loudness of interrupted stimuli
From:    Iftikhar Nizami  <nizamii2@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Mon, 21 Jan 2013 14:20:14 -0800

---2076221306-12292548-1358806814=:75052 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Happy New Year, everybody!=A0 I tried my best, but I just could not find fr= ee =0Acopies of the following, and I'd appreciate if anyone could pass on p= dfs to me:=0A=0A=0ACOMFORT LEVEL AND LOUDNESS MATCHING FOR CONTINUOUS AND I= NTERRUPTED SIGNALS. =0AMELNICK, WILLIAM =0AJournal of Speech & Hearing Rese= arch, Vol 10(1), 1967, 99-109.=0A=0ARintelman, WR, & Carhart, R (1964) Lolu= dness tracking by normal hearers via =0ABekesy audiometer. J Speech Hear Di= sord Vol 7, p 79.=0A=0AMany thanks! - Lance Nizami PhD, Palo Alto (P.S.: = =A0No, Stanford doesn't seem to =0Ahave these ...) ---2076221306-12292548-1358806814=:75052 Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable <html><head><style type=3D"text/css"><!-- DIV {margin:0px;} --></style></he= ad><body><div style=3D"font-family:times new roman, new york, times, serif;= font-size:12pt"><DIV>=0A<DIV id=3DrdcTitle>Happy New Year, everybody!&nbsp;= I tried my best, but I just could not find free copies of the following, a= nd I'd appreciate if anyone could pass on pdfs to me:</DIV>=0A<DIV>&nbsp;</= DIV>=0A<DIV>&nbsp;</DIV>=0A<DIV>COMFORT LEVEL AND LOUDNESS MATCHING FOR CON= TINUOUS AND INTERRUPTED SIGNALS. </DIV>=0A<DIV id=3DrdcAuthors>MELNICK, WIL= LIAM </DIV>=0A<DIV id=3DrdcSource>Journal of Speech &amp; Hearing Research,= Vol 10(1), 1967, 99-109.</DIV>=0A<DIV>&nbsp;</DIV>=0A<DIV>Rintelman, WR, &= amp; Carhart, R (1964) Loludness tracking by normal hearers via Bekesy audi= ometer. J Speech Hear Disord Vol 7, p 79.</DIV>=0A<DIV>&nbsp;</DIV>=0A<DIV>= Many thanks! - Lance Nizami PhD, Palo Alto (P.S.: &nbsp;No, Stanford doesn'= t seem to have these ...)</DIV></DIV></div></body></html> ---2076221306-12292548-1358806814=:75052--

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