"It does exactly what it says on the tin" (Massimo Grassi )

Subject: "It does exactly what it says on the tin"
From:    Massimo Grassi  <massimo.grassi@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Fri, 22 Aug 2014 12:02:17 +0200

Dear list members, when we use an adaptive procedure such as the classic staircase we track a specific point of the psychometric function. For example, if we use the 2-down 1-up we track a threshold that corresponds to 70.7%. I'm looking for a paper that investigates whether the adaptive procedure (e.g., the classic staircase) "does exactly what it says on the tin". In other words, whether the threshold estimate returned by the procedure elicits *that* percent of positive responses. I remember that a few years ago I read a paper that was investigating exactly this! To the best of my memory, it was an '80s paper that was published by P&P (or JEP:HPP?). However, in these days I searched that paper in any possible direction with no success. Maybe out there there is someone with a better memory. Thank you all in advance for the help, m -- http://www.psy.unipd.it/~grassi/ http://www.springer.com/978-1-4614-2196-2

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