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Position in Cognitive Science

I note from a recent email that you are involved in
cognitive science research.  I wonder if you could post
the following notice about a position (Asst Professor
equiv) on any relevant boards, electronic or otherwise,
or pass it on personally to anyone you think might be
interested.  My apologies if you have received this
email from a different source, but we are trying to
advertise as widely as possible, and that means on
(one suspects overlapping) sets.


John Spinks,
Associate Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences,
University of Hong Kong.


Lectureship in Psychology.

Applications are invited for the position of Lecturer (British
system: equivalent to an Assistant Professor in N. America) in
the Department of Psychology in the area of cognitive science.
The filling of post is subject to the availability of funds, but
it is hoped that an appointment will be made early in
1994, for a fixed term of 2 to 3 years, which would be
expected to be renewed at the end of this first contract.

Applicants for this post should ideally possess a Ph.D.
degree and have research, teaching and practical experience in
cognitive science.  Teaching at the undergraduate and
postgraduate levels would be required.

There is currently little teaching of cognitive science
at the University of Hong Kong, and the appointee would
be expected to fill this gap, as well as do research in
this area. It is anticipated that a new degree or
postgraduate degree course in Cogntive Science will
soon be offered by the University, and the Department
of Psychology will take on a significant teaching role.
Other departments that are likely to be involved
include Computer Science, Philosophy and Education.

The annual salary (non-superannuable, but attracting a
15% (taxable) terminal gratuity) is on an 11-point scale:
HK$377,220 - HK$630,180 (approx. Sterling L32,800 - L54,800;
US$48,500 - US$80,800 at December, 1993 exchange rates).
Starting salary will depend on qualifications and experience.

At current rates, salaries tax in Hong Kong will not exceed 15%
of gross income.  Children's education allowances in Hong Kong
and abroad, leave, and medical/dental benefits are provided;
housing or tenancy allowances are also provided in most cases at
a charge of 7.5% of salary.

Further particulars and application forms may be
obtained from the Appointments Unit, Registry, The
University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong (fax (852) 5592058;
email APPTUNIT@HKUVM1.HKU.HK).  Closes February 15,
1994 (extended deadline from earlier advert).

Further particulars

Facilities at the University of Hong Kong are very good, with all
lecturers provided with a PC connected via LANs to the
Departmental servers, the University's mainframes (Vax 6420,
IBM9375, IBM4361, DECSystem 5500s, SUN SPARCserver 670), and the
universities' and polytechnics' DECmpp 12000 supercomputer.
There is access, via the LANs, to the Internet, and to computers
and networks abroad.  There is external access to this network.

The University of Hong Kong has expanded rapidly over the last
few years, with a current student quota of 8500 undergraduates
and 2500 postgraduates (of which about 1000 are research
postgraduates).  Resourcing and facilities for research can be
excellent.  The Department of Psychology has several purpose-
built laboratories, for research in psychophysiology, perception,
experimental psychology, and developmental psychology amongst

The standards of the undergraduate students are high, the
University being able to select only those in the top
percentiles.  The programmes themselves are of an international
standard, and are vetted by external examiners usually from
abroad, while many courses and programmes are internationally

Hong Kong itself is an exciting and vibrant city, being at the
heart of an area which is economically forging ahead of the rest
of the world.

Informal queries can be sent to Dr. John A. Spinks,
Department of Psychology, at:  spinks@hkucc.bitnet