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Auditory analog of Milner & Goodale?

Is there behavioral and neurophysiological evidence to suggest that the
auditory system includes two subsystems, one for perceptual
representation (what used to be called a 'what' system) and the other in
the service of visuomotor control (what used to be the 'where' system)?
(The evidence in favor of the hypothesis with regard to vision is
summarized A D Milner & M A Goodale's book, The Visual Brain in Action.)
|\  /|  / Michael Kubovy, Dept. of Psychology, Univ. of Virginia
| \/ | /  102 Gilmer Hall, P.O.Box 400400, Charlottesville, VA 22904-4400
|    |/\  office (B011): 804-982-4729, lab (B019): -4751, fax: -4766
|    |  \ HTTP://www.virginia.edu/~mklab/
|    |   \ CV, preprints (pdf): FTP://ftp.virginia.edu/pub/mk9y