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Four ph.d. stipends open in Aalborg, Denmark

Dear list

I am happy to announce 4 ph.d. stipends within the following areas:
  • 3D sound
  • Low-frequency hearing
  • Hearing damage
  • Annoyance from wind turbine noise
Please rea the full announcement at http://es.aau.dk/sections/acoustics/ (under News and events).


Henrik Møller

Henrik Møller

Aalborg University
Fredrik Bajers Vej 7 B5
DK-9220 Aalborg Ø, Denmark

Phone: +45 9635 8711 (direct)
Phone: +45 9635 8710 (section office)
Phone: +45 9635 8080 (switchboard)
Fax:   +45 9815 2144 (section office)

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