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ISMIR 2008: Call For Participation

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ISMIR 2008


Important dates

Submission of papers, tutorials and panels
March 26, 2008
Notification of acceptance
June 4, 2008
Camera-ready submissions
June 25, 2008
Submission of abstracts for late breaking/demo session
July 24, 2008
ISMIR 2008
September 14-18, 2008


Call for Participation

The Ninth International Conference on Music Information Retrieval will take place September 14-18, 2008 (Sunday through Thursday), at Drexel University in Philadelphia, USA. Since its inception in 2000, ISMIR has rapidly become the premier venue for the multidisciplinary field of accessing, analyzing, and managing large collections and archives of music information. The expansion of the music information retrieval (MIR) community reflects the enormous challenges and opportunities presented by the recent and tremendous growth in available music and music-related data. ISMIR provides a forum for the exchange of ideas between representatives of academia, industry, entertainment, and education, including researchers, developers, educators, librarians, students, and professional users, who contribute to this broadly interdisciplinary domain. Alongside presentations of original theoretical research and practical work, ISMIR provides introductory and in-depth tutorials, and a venue for the showcase of current MIR-related products and systems.To reflect the increased maturity of the event and of the field, this yearâs conference introduces several significant changes over recent ISMIR conferences:

  • Emphasis on interdisciplinarity: While ISMIR has always had been inherently interdisciplinary in nature, ISMIR-08 will place a singular premium on scholarly papers that span two or more disciplines . This preference will be applied to the balancing of the overall program, and will influence the selection of papers for the proceedings and the oral presentations. ISMIR-08 will be single track, and all oral presentations will take place in plenary sessions.
  • Uniform paper status: There will be no âtieringâ of papers; all accepted papers will be allotted up to six pages in the proceedings, and all papers will have poster presentations â the most effective way to promote substantial discussions. In view of the increased presence of poster presentations, more of the conference schedule will be devoted to poster sessions. A subset of papers will be selected for oral presentation in addition to their poster slots on the basis of their breadth of interest to the community at large , but without any implied judgment of their quality relative to the other papers.
  • Late breaking / demo session: This session is designed to showcase late breaking or preliminary results and technical demonstrations, Submissions are in the form of abstracts, to be published on the conference website. The session will be run in a poster format.
  • Limitations on papers per author: We introduce some authorship limits to encourage all authors to focus on preparing their best work for submission, and to cultivate a broad range of work by diverse researchers. Any individual may submit only one paper as first author, and his or her name may appear as an author or co-author on only three submissions in total.

The topic areas and emphasis on high quality and exciting research in all aspects of MIR remain unchanged. Novel and previously unpublished submissions are solicited in areas including, but not limited to, the following:

  • content-based querying and retrieval
  • database systems, indexing, and query
  • fingerprinting and digital rights management
  • compression and streaming
  • optical music recognition
  • score following and audio alignment
  • transcription and annotation
  • computational musicology
  • perception and cognition
  • harmony, chords and tonality
  • melody and motives
  • rhythm, beat, tempo and form
  • timbre, instrumentation and voice
  • modification and transformation of music data
  • emotion and aesthetics
  • performance analysis
  • applications of MIR to the performing arts and multimedia
  • automatic classification
  • genre, style and mood
  • similarity metrics
  • music summarization
  • user interfaces and user models
  • music recommendation and playlist generation
  • text and web mining
  • evaluation of MIR systems
  • knowledge representation, user tags and metadata
  • libraries, archives and digital collections
  • methodological and philosophical issues
  • social, legal, ethical and business issues

In addition to research papers, we also solicit proposals for tutorials, panels, and exhibits. More details on each category are provided below.

Contribution requirements and guidelines

  1. Papers: All papers will be peer-reviewed according to their novelty, technical content, presentation, and contribution to the overall balance of topics and disciplines represented at ISMIR-08. Papers that introduce new topics and methods to MIR research are particularly welcome. Special efforts will be made to recruit reviewers from a broad range of disciplines, to ensure that papers from all areas are reviewed fairly and sympathetically. Where possible, authors are strongly encouraged to present evaluations of their work that use benchmark data. Paper submissions should satisfy the following conditions:
    • Formatting must comply to the guidelines and templates available on the submission web page (http://ismir2008.ismir.net/submit/).
    • Submitted papers must be between 4 and 6 pages long.
    • Papers should include a 150-200 word abstract.
    • Submission must consist of original contributions (not previously published and not currently being considered for publication elsewhere).
    • Accepted papers will be designated either as poster only presentations, or as plenary talk with poster presentation. During submission, authors may indicate a preference, but the choice will be made by the program committee.
    • Authors of accepted papers will be asked to provide camera-ready copies of their papers.
    • If accepted, authors are encouraged to bring laptop computers or other appropriate equipment to supplement their presentations.
    • For each accepted paper, at least one author must register for the ISMIR 2008 conference prior to submission of the camera-ready version.
  2. Late-breaking / demo submissions: A special session during the ISMIR-08 schedule will be dedicated to:
    • the presentation of preliminary results and ideas which are not yet fully formed nor systematically evaluated; and
    • the demonstration of applications that are of interest to the MIR community.
  3. These âlate breaking / demoâ submissions will not be reviewed and will not have associated papers on the proceedings. They have been assigned a late deadline. Submissions should be emailed to: ismir2008-demos@xxxxxxxxx as a pdf file containing the title, author(s) and affiliation(s), and a 100-200 word abstract outlining the work to be presented. Abstracts will be published online. Should there be more submissions than allowed by the available presentation space, presentations that contribute to a balanced session will be given priority. Limitations on the number of papers per author apply.
  4. Tutorials: The first day of the conference (Sunday, September 14) will consist of a parallel session of introductory or in-depth tutorials each concentrating on a single topic and lasting approximately 3 hours, including a break. Submissions should be emailed to ismir2008-tutorials@xxxxxxxxx as pdf files containing a 1-2 page abstract including:
    • an outline of the tutorial content,
    • the intended and expected audience,
    • short biography of the presenter(s), and
    • any special requirements.
  5. Panels: Panels should be lively, controversial, and thought-provoking discussions on specific topics of interest to the ISMIR community. Panel sessions should not consist of paper presentations, but should be structured so as to engage the audience in thoughtful and constructive dialog with the panelists. Submissions should be emailed toÂismir2008-panels@xxxxxxxxxÂas pdf files containing a 1-2 page abstract including:
    • the topic and issues to be discussed, if possible formulated as a provocative question,
    • a short listing of pro and con arguments,
    • short biographies of the moderator and panelists, and
    • any special requirements.
  6. Exhibits and Bookstore: Throughout ISMIR 2008, space will be available for publishers, software companies, booksellers, service providers, system vendors, and any other businesses interested in exhibiting their MIR-related products. They are invited to contact the program committee via email to ismir2008-exhibits@xxxxxxxxx regarding the ISMIR bookstore and/or exhibition space.


We look forward to seeing you in Philadelphia,

General Chairs:
Dan Ellis, Columbia University
Youngmoo Kim, Drexel University

Programme Chairs:
Juan Pablo Bello, New York University
Elaine Chew, Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study / University of Southern California

Program Committee:

  • Christina Anagnostopoulou, University of Athens, Greece
  • Sally Jo Cunningham, University of Waikato, New Zealand
  • Roger Dannenberg, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
  • Simon Dixon, Queen Mary, University of London, UK
  • Stephen Downie, University of Illinois, USA
  • Michael Fingerhut, Institut de Recherche et Coordination Acoustique/Musique, France
  • Ichiro Fujinaga, McGill University, Canada
  • Masataka Goto, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan
  • Katayose Haruhiro, Kwansei Gakuin University, Japan
  • Aline Honingh, City University, London, UK
  • ÃzgÃr Äzmirli, Connecticut College, USA
  • Anssi Klapuri, Tampere University of Technology, Finland
  • Paul Lamere, Sun Microsystems, USA
  • Kjell LemstrÃm, University of Helsinki, Finland
  • Emilia GÃmez, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain
  • Connie Mayer, University of Maryland, USA
  • FranÃois Pachet, Sony Research Labs, France
  • Christopher Raphael, University of Indiana, Bloomington, USA
  • GaÃl Richards, Ãcole Nationale SupÃrieure des TÃlÃcommunications, France
  • Malcolm Slaney, Yahoo! Research, USA
  • George Tzanetakis, University of Victoria, Canada
  • Anja Volk, University of Utrecht, the Netherlands
  • Gerhard Widmer, Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria
Juan Pablo Bello
Assistant Professor, Music Technology
New York University