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SiSEC 2008 REMINDER: 18 days left to try your source separation system

                *** LAST CALL FOR PARTICIPATION ***

               1st Community-based Signal Separation
                        Evaluation Campaign
                            (SiSEC 2008)


               Submission deadline: October 31, 2008

SiSEC is the first community-based endeavor for the evaluation of source
separation algorithms. Following a first call, four datasets have been
proposed by researchers in the field:
- Under-determined speech and music mixtures
- Determined and over-determined speech mixtures
- Head-geometry mixtures of two speech sources in real environments
- Professionally produced music recordings

Basic software blocks are provided to help you build your own system.

Help make this evaluation the most complete yet by trying your source
separation system over one or more datasets and submitting the results before october 31, 2008. For more details and submission guidelines, see http://sisec.wiki.irisa.fr/.

In addition, we encourage you to submit before november 15, 2008, a paper describing your system to the Special Session on SiSEC to be held at the 8th International Conference on Independent Component Analysis and Signal Separation (ICA 2009). Accepted papers will be published in the proceedings of the conference edited by Springer. For more details about ICA 2009 and paper submission, see http://ica2009.org/.

Best regards,

Emmanuel Vincent, Shoko Araki and Pau Bofill

Emmanuel Vincent
METISS Project-Team
Campus de Beaulieu, 35042 Rennes cedex, France
Phone: +332 9984 2269 - Fax: +332 9984 7171
Web: http://www.irisa.fr/metiss/members/evincent/